Thursday, May 23, 2019

Besties by Kathryn Hills #RomanceGems

I’ve spent a great deal of time this month thinking about wonderful people as we celebrate heroes and she-roes here at Romance Gems. All very inspiring! And I must say, I’m truly blessed by the number of great people I know and have loved. But it got me thinking about how our relationships and friends change over time.

As a kid growing up in a suburban neighborhood, my best friend was Diane, the spunky little red-headed girl down the street. We attended the same elementary school, walked there together every day. Goofy kids that played for hours until someone’s mom called us home. She was my first sleepover (I didn’t make it through that first night; my dad had to pick me up) and my first business partner.
(Our lemonade stand rocked because our street was busy) There were many best friend firsts for us, so I was heartbroken when her family moved away.

Eileen was my next close friend. We swore allegiance, drawn together by an undying love for David Cassidy and Donny Osmond, and our hatred of dodgeball. (Hey, that was important stuff back then) Yet Eileen moved on to one school and I to another, and we grew apart.

Fast forward to when Karin was my soulmate. We loved all animals—dogs, rabbits, (Karin had two bunnies she walked on leashes!) and especially horses. It was alongside her I became an avid rider. Together we faced Jr. High and High School and stuck like glue, surviving boyfriends, proms, Driver’s Ed, and graduation. College led to our first jobs, careers, houses, kids... Until long distance and life took their toll on our “glue.”

Yet special friends and relationships found me again in the most wonderful ways. I met a dear friend on a business trip to California. (We bonded over chocolate and wine) I gained a great friend through my daughter’s school when our kids shared a cookie. (I’m sensing a trend here 😊) Later, things I love led to friendships. My writing, for example, led me to a community of outstanding people. Same with the paranormal community. From road trips, conferences, and weird encounters in NYC elevators to discovering history’s mysteries, calling aliens, and exploring haunted locations—we’ve shared some wild adventures!

It’s no surprise friendships play an important role in my novels. Amelia Pennington and Rose Bartlett from Hellfire and Handbaskets are a great example. These best friends confront the challenges of medical school in 1895 Boston—a daunting task for any woman of that time period. All society—even their loving family members—have a distinct notion of how women should behave, and these two defy all of it. Or, do they? Plus, talk about a long-distance friendship! Amelia and Rose become separated by the most unforgiving of all obstacles. Time. Here’s a link if you’d like to read more: Hellfire and Handbaskets – A Time Traveler’s Journey 

So, here’s to best friends, our inner circle, our soulmates. Those “like-family” folk we choose to hang out with. Our tribes and kindred spirits. Schoolmates, workmates, alter egos, partners-in-crime… Whoever you call your BESTIES. Let’s raise a glass (or two) in their honor. Friends truly are awesome Heroes and She-roes worth celebrating!


Don’t forget to enter our Monthly Giveaway. This month it's a Heroes & She-Roes Contest for a chance to win a $20.00 Amazon Gift Card and Bundles of Ebooks. Click to enter our RAFFLECOPTER But hurry! There's less than one week left to enter.


  1. Hard to compete with those special friends who unexpectedly enter our lives and stay to make our lives better. Even if they fade, I think of them so often and it warms my heart. Here's to them.

    1. Exactly Nora! Our everyday true heroes and she-roes!

  2. I've been so fortunate that my best friends from childhood are still my best friends today. Two of them live close by but two of them moved across the country. But because of technology, we can still have daily groups texts and conversations. Just like if they were still nearby.

    1. That's awesome, Kari! I love that you're still close with your childhood buddies. Technology definitely makes keeping in touch with far-away-friends SO much easier. Had we had that back then - and all of us not moved far away - we'd likely still be together.

  3. Besties...the ones who know the real you. The ones you have all the dirt on. LOL...the ones you trust with all of yours...

    1. Truth, Bonnie Edwards! And the ones you can laugh with about it all until you can't breath. hahaha

  4. I have had so many, truly wonderful friends in my lifetime, but I would have to say that my kids ( Son and daughter) are my soulmates. Sometimes we have been known to act like the three stooges, but we are always the Three Musketeers. All for one and one for all. We have learned so much from one another and have been through a lot. To all my friends out there, I love you all!

    1. That's lovely, Kate! And I totally share your sentiment. My daughter is my favorite friend, sidekick, and adventure buddy. Proud mama aside, I'm blessed to have such an amazing woman in my life.

  5. Interesting the way people come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I try not to feel sad when the reason or season ends, but be gratefulfor the memory. Thanks for writing this!

    1. I love the way you phrased that, Kathleen! "...for a reason, a season, or a lifetime." Great words and thought!

  6. I love this post. I've been blessed with some best friends, too, and still am. I think my WIP needs a bestie to help it in its sagging middle--thanks for the thought!

    1. Awesome Liz Flaherty, and thank you! Please keep me posted on your "bestie" characters. :D

  7. I am so very grateful for my best friends. I call them sisties, because they are more like sisters than best friends. I guess because they can talk for me if I need them to, and I don't have to see them every day or connect with them every day in order to continue our very close relationship. I've known my best friends since I was four. It's hard to believe we are still together with the way things go nowadays. Thank you for the post!

  8. "Sisties?" That's great, Kara! The perfect way to describe those who've always got your back. Plus, that's a very special friend you have since age four. Think of all those "best friend" firsts and steps you've shared along the way. Thanks for sharing! :D

  9. I read your post this morning, Kathy, but I was interrupted before leaving a comment. This evening, Darling Hubby and I were sitting outside and talking. A small herd of deer crossed the road as I was telling him about your post. We started talking about the besties we'd had in life. I always seemed to be in a trio of besties in school. Weird, but what may sound even stranger is that one of my besties for most of my life is my ex-husband. (My Darling Hubby knows this too. *g*)

  10. Awesome! All the way around. Your home sounds lovely Joan. And, as for those Besties, the more the merrier! Even ex-husbands. LOL I have a friend who's still very close with her ex, and it's made raising their two daughters a whole lot easier. Thanks for reading and sharing!


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