Sunday, May 19, 2019

Wonder Woman: My Mom is My Inspiration

Hello Again, 

As a romance author I write books that always have heroes or heroines, sometimes flawed, but always loveable. These characters usually embody tiny snippets of people from my personal life who have influenced me. 

When I was nine years old my dad got sick, he had a heart condition and almost died. He was in the hospital for a long time and wasn’t able to continue at his current job so he changed his career path. My mom started working at the local elementary school. She took care of running the house, bringing in a paycheck and still made sure she spent time with me and my brothers. She has always been a strong role model for me and my daughters. She is my very own Wonder Woman, my hero.

Romance novels aren’t only about the blossoming romance between the pages and the two main characters. In my humble opinion, it’s about promoting strong women as role models; capable, courageous, and caring women who can do almost anything.  

In the first novella in The Loudon Series, Between Here and Heaven, Cari McKenna has just lost her husband and is facing an uncertain future. Struggling with depression and at a loss of what to do next she’s drifting, barely going through the motions of daily life, allowing herself to grieve until she knew it was time to actively begin living if not for herself then for her children. 

Lost and Found picks up the storyline fifteen years later. In some ways Cari has my mother’s strength. She is a strong single mother who starts her own business after her husband passes away. She raises her three children to be strong, caring people. Throughout each book in the series, where each of her kids, Shane, Kate and Ellie, each have their own story, the example Cari sets as a role model shines through. 

Book Sale News: To get a e-copy of the Loudon Series at a special price click here please leave a review. 

Finally, sign up for my newsletter at www.lucindarace.comfor news on upcoming book releases and special events.

Contest News!

In May the Romance Gems honors Heroes and She-roes: Mothers, Soldiers, and First Responders. For a chance to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card and Bundles of EBooks, enter our Rafflecopter draw!

Until next time, 
I wish you happiness. 



  1. Your mother sounds like a wonderful role model for your heroines. Weak characters are never interesting to me.

  2. I like strong heroines, too, especially when they're strong because they've had to be. Like your mom.

  3. What a great role model for you! And I love stories with lots of family members in a loving family!!

  4. I love that you were inspired by your mom to create strong heroines who overcome the obstacles in their paths.

  5. That's a lovely premise for a series.


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