Saturday, March 21, 2020

How Lucky Am I? by Karen Kelley #RomanceGems

I sometimes wonder if reincarnation is real. Have you ever met someone and you could swear that you’d met them before?

I’ve been lucky in love. Maybe I didn’t get a feeling that I’d met Karl before in another life, but I knew we would get married someday. 

I’ve had these premonitions before. That something good, or bad, was about to happen. I’m usually right about 80% of the time. This time, I was right. About a year later, we did get married. This year we’ll celebrate 51 years of marriage. Wow, it doesn’t seem that long.

People ask what our secret is and I tell them we always treat each other like best friends. Would you yell at your best friend? 

We also encourage each other. When I went to nursing school, he not only told me I could do anything I set my mind to doing, he also helped me study. (I finished fifth in my class) Then, when I wanted to write, he encouraged me again. When I decided to go Indie with my books, he became my publisher, cover designer, formatter, ad creator, beta reader, and my number one fan.

I’ve definitely been lucky in love.

Most of my books are available in Kindle Unlimited. I’m currently writing Romantic Suspense, but I also write contemporary comedy and paranormal. Most of my heroines are snarky and sassy because I think I absorbed some of Karl’s personality over the years. Believe me, he’s a lot of fun to be around.

                                                    Read for free in KU or purchase here

You can find out more about my books at Have a great weekend and stay safe!

Speaking of luck, don't forget to hop on over to our Monthly Giveaway page to enter our Rafflecopter contest. If you're in a rush to get to the pot of gold you can also click on this Quick Link.

Karen Kelley 


  1. a picture is worth a thousand words. You book is very attractive and getting a few reviews on can really take your book to the next level. I am good with interior design for a book, would love to help out for free !

  2. Do you have premonitions of the near future? Wondered if anything exciting would be happening soon. You are beyond lucky in life.

  3. Karen, I love knowing how many of us Romance Gems Authors have been LUCKY IN LOVE. I'm one, and it's going on 42 years!

  4. Being lucky in love is such a gift.


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