Monday, December 16, 2019

Making Things Simple by @ConstanceBretes #RomanceGems

I don’t like doing potluck. Coming up with something to bring for a dish to pass is a royal pain for me. I can never come up with something that people will eat, and eat a lot of, so I don’t have to bring home the leftovers. To say I’m not a culinary artist, is an understatement. However, there is one time I don’t mind doing potluck, and it’s at Christmas. Why? I have a simple recipe for a cheeseball. It’s easy to make, easy to take, and rarely any leftovers. So, I’ll share my recipe with you.

2 bricks of cream cheese
2 bunches of green onions
1 large red pepper
1 package of cheddar sharpe cheese shredded

1.      Dice up the red pepper and green onions
2.      In a large bowl, cream together with your mixer the 2 bricks of cream cheese
3.      Add the onions and pepper.
4.      Add half of the cheddar sharpe cheese.
5.      Lay the rest of the cheddar cheese on wax paper, put the mixture in a ball and roll it in the rest of the cheddar cheese until it’s all used up and covering the cream cheese.
6.      Wrap the ball with wax paper or saram wrap, and place in refrigerator to chill and firm up.

Serve the cheeseball with your favorite crackers, and I can almost guarantee, it will be gone before all the rest of the food at the table!


The Christmas Ballet by Constance Bretes

Can the joy of Christmas heal the pain of the past?

Laura Hemmingway cut herself off from men and her family when the man she loved married her sister. She moved across the country and was doing just fine until she received a devastating call to return to New York. She had to face the death of her sister, her sister’s little girl, Maria, and Maria’s father, Stefan—the man she had once loved. She figured she would pay her respects and leave as soon as possible. She never anticipated on the beautiful little girl stealing her heart. And she never expected that seeing Stefan again after twelve years would stir up old feelings.

Stefan’s life was complete. He had a successful career as an attorney, a beautiful wife, and an adorable six-year-old daughter. Although him and his wife had been married in name only for the past several years, he cared for her deeply. Then her unexpected death brought him face-to-face with his former lover, and the guilt he’d carried for years.

Stefan is still in love with Laura and wants to give her everything she deserves. He and Maria are racing against time to convince Laura to stay with them in New York.

Can a little girl’s love, and the true magic of Christmas, help Stefan convince Laura to stay and give their relationship another chance?

Buy Link:


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  1. I'd never guess how popular a cheeseball is. My one only time to make it at Christmas is my eggnog. Cheeseball and eggnog sounds delish to me!

  2. Thanks for the recipe. I'm a hand-wringer over potlucks. Like you, I don't want to bring home the leftovers, but what to take...what to take...

  3. Yum! Thanks for the recipe. I actually really like pot lucks as long as I don't have to keep it warm before I take whatever I make. I'm never sure how to accomplish that.

  4. Oh my gosh! This book sounds so good! I can't wait to read it.
    I've always wanted to make a cheese ball. This one sounds easy enough for me--LOL I'm a fair cook, I suppose. Like most writers, I spend most of my time on the laptop writing.

  5. I understand about worrying what to bring to a potluck. I do love them however since I get to try a little of so many different dishes. I have a few that I always fall back on and go pretty well.

  6. I'm not a huge fan of potlucks. I've been to too many where it is all salads or all sweets with no mains. Love the cover, Connie. What a story concept!

  7. I've kind of sworn of cooking in general lately (lazy) but this is something I might do for our pre-Christmas party this weekend! Thank you!

  8. I'll be using this recipe for our appie gathering on Christmas Eve. Thanks for sharing it. And I love the concept of your book so much, I wrote one much like it. LOL Great minds.

  9. Thanks for the recipe, Connie. I never make cheese ball because I always thought they were a lot of work, but this sounds easy. Merry Christmas.

  10. Yum! This sounds great and easy. Holiday perfect! Thanks for sharing. :D

  11. I detest pot locks. I'd prefer preparing everything once a year at my home and let everyone else do the same. Your cheese ball sounds tasty and festive appearing. Merry Christmas to you and yours.


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