Sunday, December 1, 2019

First to Say Seasons Greetings by @JoanReeves #RomanceGems

Want THIS Santa? Read a Romance Novel!
Seasons Greetings! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanakkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Holidays!

I'm happy to be the first to say all of those. I'm also happy to be the first to give away a Holiday Romance!

I'm giving away a Kindle edition of Nobody's Cinderella.

To be entered in my Random Drawing Giveaway, simply leave a comment with your email addy written out. My Giveaway closes at 6pm Dec. 6.

About Nobody's Cinderella

Darcy is in love with her boss, but she's not even a blip on his radar.

Until her BFF decides to give her a makeover. Then Chase notices. Oh, boy. Does he!

All it took was some makeup, some clothes, and a couple of little lies. Okay, maybe they weren't so little, but it was all for a good cause.

Or was it Darcy's wish on a Christmas star that changed everything? Maybe she should have been careful what she wished for!

Nobody's Cinderella is a Kindle Unlimited Free Read, or buy it and keep it forever.

10 Things I Love About Christmas

1. Christmas songs playing in the stores. (Don't hate me, but I'm one of those who actually likes that and hums along.)

Listen to me sing JINGLE BELLS on YouTube
2. Christmas parties are great fun and an excuse to dress up in glitzy clothes and wear sparklies and high heels which I like to do.

3. I love decorating my house and yard with Christmas music playing in the background.

4. I love driving through the neighborhoods and looking at all the colored lights and decorations. (I'm trolling for future decorating ideas too.)

5. I love shopping for presents and finding the perfect ones for those I love.

6. I love eating the special foods that are cooked only during the holidays. (Pralines, Texas Trash, Fresh Orange and Cranberry Relish, Chocolate Bon Bons, and, unfortunately, much more!)

7. I love going to church for candlelight services on Christmas Eve.

8. I love gathering the family and friends together.

9. I love Hallmark Christmas movies!

10. I love Holiday Romance Novels.

What's New With Me?

I have a new Christmas short story that will publish in a couple of days. I think the cover is sassy and sexy and will catch the readers' eyes. What do you think of it?

Stuck on the Naughty List is only 99cents. Here's a little blurb.

A year ago, Cassie left Ben, the man she loved, so he could have the life he’d been groomed for since birth.

When she returns to Capitola, Texas, her small home town, for Christmas, she’s arrested on a trumped-up charge and taken downtown.

Could the new Chief of Police be the perfect man to mend her broken heart?

What's New on Romance Gems?

I'm glad you asked. Come on in and check out our decorations! We've used words and pictures of the season to adorn our blog home. Most of the pages have been updated, but I want to call attention to some of the blog's features.

Home Page Cover Art Gallery — That's the beautiful 3D Cover images you see on the right sidebar of the home page. If you see something you like, just click the image and you'll be taken to the Amazon page to learn more and/or to buy.

Holiday Book Fair, a special page created just for you, our faithful readers. Our Holiday Book Fair is filled with dozens of Holiday Romance Novels. They're sure to thrill you, and they're priced low—some are even free! Visit our Holiday Book Fair which will be here until the end of December and check out all the bargains. Great stocking stuffers for your friends who read!

Movie Theater — Watch our new December video and the other new ones from our Authors. They'll put you in the holiday mood. special attention to our Monthly Giveaway page featuring our December promotion, CANDY CANE KISSES. This month we have bigger prizes and more prizes.

Thanks for visiting with me today. Be sure and leave a comment with your email to be entered in the giveaway for a Kindle copy of Nobody's Cinderella. Our December Rafflecopter entry is below. Happy Holidays!


  1. Awesome, I like being hit by snow storms, how about you?

    1. I lived in South Dakota for a year. I paid my dues when it comes to snow!

  2. Joan, I love the same things about Christmas. But what is Texas Trash on your food list?

    1. Texas Trash is my version of Chex Mix. It's tons of pecans, peanuts, Rice Chex, Wheat Chex, Tabasco Sauce or Cholula Hot Sauce (or both if you really like it hot), Tony Chachere's Seasoning, and olive oil. You might need a fire extinguisher if you're not accustomed to spicy.

  3. Welcome, December. I like the things on that list, too!

    1. Thanks, Liz. I'm catching up on reading November posts and just read yours. Loved it of course.

  4. Great kick off post, Joan. I love most of the same things as well. I'm fortunate enough to live close to all of my grandchildren so probably the thing I like best are Christmas morning cuddles with the kids!

    1. Thanks, Nancy. All our kids are scattered across Texas. Sure is hard to get them all together. You're lucky.

  5. The Christmas season is always a great one!

  6. Christmas traditions and decorations definitely brighten the dark days of December.

    1. I guess we're lucky in Texas. We don't have as many dark days in December as you. On the other hand, it may be easier for you to feel that it's Christmas when it's cold and dark. I guess it balances out.

  7. Love your list! We make a lot of food as well. My favorite tradition is Christmas Feast. We make a bunch of finger foods and decorate the house and listen to music. It's the best day of the year.

    Nobody's Cinderella sounds very cute! I love the cover and the title. It sounds like the perfect story to start this season.

    1. I like the idea of Christmas Feast. We do pretty much the same but never had a title for it. I may adopt yours. *g*

  8. I love the cover! I can't wait to read this one.
    We put up our tree in November LOL Love Christmas and I want it to last longer than it does.

    1. We bought some new furniture a few months ago and had to rearrange the living room. Now the spot where the Christmas tree goes is taken up by the grandfather clock. I now have the problem of finding a new spot for the tree. *LOL*

  9. This one looks great! Thanks for the chance to win it.

    marthalawson8 (at) gmail dot com

    1. Congratulations, Martha! You are the winner. Check your email for an Amazon Gift of NOBODY'S CINDERELLA.

  10. Your list is great. I haven’t made Texas Trash in several years but I can’t I imagine why. We love it. I alter it with only Rice Chex because one daughter is celiac.

    1. I mix it up in my big turkey roasting pan. It's usually the first thing the kids ask when December rolls around, "Have you made Texas Trash yet?"

  11. fun list
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  12. I love your list of things you love about Christmas. Mine is very similar.

  13. Oh I miss Texas Trash. My mom used to make it for us at Christmas time. I will have to look for her recipe. Loved the article. clarkws at aol dot com

    1. I'll see if I can get a post up with my recipe. Thanks for entering my giveaway.


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