Saturday, November 16, 2019

Be Courageous by @ConstanceBretes #RomanceGems

In keeping with the theme this month here on Romance Gems Blogspot, Life Lessons, sharing lessons and wisdom, my wisdom is to be courageous. I specifically use my release, Blue As Sapphires, for this.

Did you know that:
Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten.” 

Blue As Sapphires is a story of one woman’s courageous survival and how she overcame domestic violence. Yes, it’s fictional, it’s a romance, and it has a happy ever after. But the message is the same. Encouragement for women in the midst of domestic abuse to get out and get away from it, start over, and live a purposeful life.

To show my commitment and encouragement to these women, all proceeds from the sale of this book goes to the National Domestic Violence Hotline (­

Marissa's home was her haven, until Riley invaded her space. 

Escaping from her abusive ex-husband, Marissa Simpson returns to her hometown to start over. She spends her days working at the local jewelry store, and the rest of her time is dedicated to mining along Red Rock River, searching for precious gems. Marissa has no intention of getting involved with another man, or with the community she left behind all those years ago. That is until Riley McCade shows up.

Riley is the Sheriff of Quartz County. He loves his community and goes out of his way to protect and serve. When he meets up with Marissa, he's bound and determined to get to know her even though she insists she's not interested.

The more Riley learns about Marissa's past, the more he concludes that she may be in danger. When her ex-husband shows up, can Riley protect her? And can he earn her love in the process?

November is the month for Gratitude, Appreciation, and counting your Blessings if you are religious and/or philosophical. Grateful, Thankful, Blessed—that's what we Romance Gems Authors feel. Join us this month in celebrating the Life Lessons we all learn. Enter our November Rafflecopter now for a chance to win 1 of 5 Amazon Gift Cards.


  1. An important and sadly necessary life lesson.

  2. There are so many great romance books that share messages about very important subjects. I wish people would understand that and not put down the genre. Your book is a perfect example of sharing information.

  3. I love that the heroine leaves an abusive relationship. I wish my mother could have, but it was the fifties and women didn't have the choices they do now. I would imagine it would still take a lot of courage.
    I think it's fantastic that you're donating the money to such a wonderful cause.

  4. A powerful message. I'm sure we've all known women who needed our encouragement to take the big step for themselves. Unfortunately, I've known them too and am grateful I never had to escape such a situation. Thank you for spreading the word. Best wishes with the book.

  5. Constance...a powerful lesson. thank you and this is such a good cause. I hope sales go through the roof!

  6. Very important lesson. It takes a lot of courage to walk away, and support is needed. Thank you for posting the number.

  7. What a great post, Connie And a wonderful cause to support.

  8. Thank you for writing this post. I've never understood how a man can brutalize the woman he is supposed to love and protect. I'm proud of you for donating proceeds to the Hotline.

  9. thanks for the post. This is such an important topic.


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