Saturday, February 1, 2020

Celebrating Our 1st Anniversary by @JoanReeves #RomanceGems

One year ago today, twenty-three of us joined together to form Romance Gems.

The response to this blog, and to each of the Authors, has been amazing.

We've made a lot of reading friends, written a ton of posts, and given away dozens of prizes including books, Amazon Gift Cards, jewelry, and tee shirts.

First Anniversary

To celebrate our One Year Anniversary, we have a big Valentine Book Fair with sigh-worthy romance novels at great prices. We also have a Rafflecopter with some great Amazon Gift Cards up for grabs.

My Pop-Up Giveaway

I'm giving away 5 copies of Blame It On Chocolate.

Chloe Elliot was a good girl. She didn’t even curse! Since her dad was the son of a minister and the oft-elected mayor, she'd had no choice but to live a life above reproach. Truthfully, it really hadn’t been that difficult.

Until Hunter Cole returned to his home town. There was just something about the man that addled her brain and created havoc in her body.

Hunter Cole reckoned he had the best of all possible worlds. His life was perfect. Until he dropped by the library to say hello to his best friend's little sister. Only Chloe wasn't a little girl now. Just looking at her made his common sense evaporate. If he made a move on her, her brother would nail his hide to the wall. So how was he going to get Chloe off his mind?

Giveaway Details

Open until February 7, 2020. Winner announced the next day.

To enter, in Comments, leave your email addy so you can be contacted in case you win, and the answer to the following question.

Who was your first kiss and how old were you?

(First name only—unless it was a celebrity, in which case, give us every detail!)

Celebrating One Year of Romance

Watch the video in the Movie Theater or drop by YouTube to view it.

Then visit our Valentine Book Fair and grab some captivating romance novels, sweet treats without calories!

Last, not not least, enter our February Rafflecopter with the link below. Thank you for being a part of the Romance Gems world.


  1. It’s so exciting to be part of such a great, supportive group of wonderful writer with fab stories to tell!

    1. I feel the same way, Bonnie. So proud of all the authors.

  2. Replies
    1. I was also 16. His name was Stan.

    2. Kim, if you want to enter the Pop-Up Giveaway, just make another comment with your email address. Have a great weekend and thanks for celebrating with us.

    3. Hello, Kim! You win a copy of BLAME IT ON CHOCOLATE. Check your Inbox for an email and your spam folder if you don't see it in your inbox.

  3. I was 14 and his name was Jim. Kudos to the Romance Gems team for making this all happen.

  4. Happy anniversary, GEMS! Here's to many more to come! 🍾🥂✨

    1. Hurray! Thanks for Coffee and Conversation every month!

  5. I'm so excited for this month! It's going to be a lot of fun. My first kiss was at 19. And his name was Mick.

    As a matter of fact, I won a contest for an article about my first kiss.
    I was 11, his name was Howie, and it was at dancing school. Yada yada yada , I still can't dance and the kiss wasn't too impressive.
    Nancy Levine

    1. Nancy, that's funny. I guess my first kiss was actually when I was 6. His name was Donald, and the kiss was on my cheek so I didn't count that as a first kiss for that reason. Thanks for entering my Pop-Up Giveaway.

    2. Hey, Nancy! You win a copy of BLAME IT ON CHOCOLATE. Check your Inbox for an email and your spam folder if you don't see it in your inbox.

  7. I went to Catholic school and the nuns wete always warning us not to do "bad things with boys"~ As if they had a clue! I was 15 and thrilled to have finally been kissed. His name was John.

    1. Glad the nuns didn't catch you. They may have slapped a ruler across your lips.

  8. Replies
    1. Hey, CB Clark. If you wanted to be entered in my Pop-Up Giveaway, reply again and leave your email addy so you can be contacted in case you're a winner. Have a great weekend.

  9. To be honest, I don't remember my first kiss. It must not have been very memorable.

    1. Thanks for entering my Pop-Up Giveaway. If you don't remember it, you're right. Wasn't a bit awesome.

    2. Hey! You win a copy of BLAME IT ON CHOCOLATE. Check your Inbox for an email and your spam folder if you don't see it in your inbox.

  10. I was 17 and his name was Cruz.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks for entering my Pop-Up Giveaway. Have a great weekend.

    2. Hey, Debby! You win a copy of BLAME IT ON CHOCOLATE. Check your Inbox for an email and your spam folder if you don't see it in your inbox.

  11. Congratulations to: Kim Hanson, Nancy Levine, Unknown (Pammie), and Debby, the 4 readers who entered my Giveaway for a copy of BLAME IT ON CHOCOLATE. Be sure and check your respective Inboxes because I've emailed you.


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