Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Out With January and On To February by Nancy Fraser

January came and went so fast, I don't remember half of it.

Our January Rafflecopter was another huge success! We had a total of 1,537 entries and gave away some great prizes.

First Prize ~ $20 Amazon Gift Catd: Barbara Montag
Second Prize ~ $15 Amazon Gift Card: Jeanna Massman
Third Prize ~ $10 Amazon Gift Card: Karen Giasson
Fourth Prize ~ $5 Amazon Gift Card: Deboarh Dumm

Congratulations to our winners!

There's even more fun coming up in February.

We have another Rafflecopter draw which began yesterday and runs through the end of the month. Please check out our Monthly Giveaway page for complete details.

Just to get you started, here are the prizes:

First Prize ~ $20 Amazon Gift Catd
Second Prize ~ $15 Amazon Gift Card
Third Prize ~ $10 Amazon Gift Card
Fourth Prize ~ $5 Amazon Gift Card

And, here is the entry form:


  1. Great prizes and easy to enter! Here's to a super February.

  2. I'm with Nora! Plus, Amazon gift cards are perfect for readers! Congratulations to all our January winners. Good luck to all who enter this month! 🙂

  3. I think our readers are all winners, but a GC is always useful. Enjoy. And happy February.

  4. Great prizes! I was soooo happy to see the back of January! I have high hopes for February. Good luck to all who enter, and thanks for visiting.

  5. Thank you for letting me enter the sweepstakes but I do not have a Twitter account and really don't want one so I can't enter that much. But thank you for letting me enter some of it.

  6. Thanks, Nancy, for managing our Giveaways. You do such a great job. February: celebrating Valentine's Day, our 1st Anniversary, Romance, and Love! What could be better?


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