Thursday, August 1, 2019

Dog Days of Summer by @JoanReeves #RomanceGems

Summer is waning, and I've been waning most of the last few weeks.

Have you wondered why you haven't seen me commenting on the blog lately?

Did you miss me on social media?

In case you want to know if I'm in hiding or just goofing off (I wish), the truth is I'm currently undergoing torture treatment for my "messed up" back.

I'm actually not supposed to be on the computer for a couple of weeks. (Don't tell my chiropractor!) The deal is for every minute I spend online, I have to spend another minute off-line. And that's with a max of 30 minutes at a time on the computer. Sheesh! I can't even get through my email in 30 minutes!

What's A Girl To Do?

This girl learned something very valuable. When you are in enough pain, you'll do whatever the doctor or anyone else says to do to make it go away. So I've listened to the doctor and followed his instructions tried to follow his instructions.
See Joan's Books on Amazon

So today's post is brief. I'd be more talkative, but I a Windows update killed my Dragon dictation software and my techie husband hasn't been able to resuscitate it yet.

Our new Monthly Giveaway starts August 4, and it's Winner's Choice with great options for prizes. Take a look at it.

In conclusion, make the most of the last day of August. Visit Romance Gems every day and be entertained by the great authors here.

Be bold, be brave, be kind—to yourself and others—and, most of all, be joyful!


  1. Hope you are feeling better. Surely doctors orders are suggestions, aren't they?

    1. I'm afraid I've taken them as "suggestions" in the past which means ignoring them. This time I'm trying to do as they say. *g*

  2. Do what you need to do to get better! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  3. I’ve missed you Joan. do take care, be good to yourself and don’t overdo anything. We’ve all had times where we had to put our bodies first. Cheers!

    1. Missed you and the other girls too. Trying to be patient and give me this month to make a difference.

  4. You are your best resource
    Take care of that resource. We need your books that make us laugh. The world needs them.

  5. You poor thing. Take care of yourself. You need time to pamper yourself and recover. Bad backs are the worst!

    1. Thanks, Bea. Backs sure can give problems if you don't take care of them.

  6. Missed you very much, Joan! You amaze me. Glad you're taking it as easy possible, though! Spoil yourself as much as you can!

    1. Kara, thank you. The terrible thing is I feel guilty just doing mostly nothing. *LOL* I think of everything that's piling up that will have to be handled and I shudder.

  7. Summer is for resting - take heed!!! Chillax and get better!

    1. Good advice, Peggy. I'm about ready to chill with a frozen margarita after a perfectly awful day. *sigh* Tomorrow will be better.

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