Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year 2020 by @JoanReeves #RomanceGems

What's Old? What's New? What's Next?

Those are the 3 questions to answer for the first Romance Gems post of the New Year.

I think I have those answers.

What's Old & Gone?

Sad times, failures, mistakes, goof ups, embarrassments, missed deadlines, misunderstandings, and all the crud that made us unhappy.

What's New & Waiting?

Opportunities, good times, laughter, joy, happiness, achievements, love, friendship, optimism, and new experiences.

What's Next?

For me, it's more time to write, more time to play, more time to smell the roses, and more time to show those I love that I love them very, very much.

Isn't New Year's Eve the perfect time to give in to a bit of insanity?
First Giveaway of the Year

I'm giving away 2 copies of my New Year's Romance, Last Chance New Year.

A Moment in Time is all that's needed for Love to be Revealed in this highly sensual romance short story.

Cheyenne Smith, better known as C. A. Smith to her co-workers, decides New Year’s Eve is the perfect time to give in to insanity and throw herself at Luke Harper, the man she loves, and hope that he catches her.

Will Luke be her safety net?

Giveaway Details

To be entered to win 1 of the 2 copies of Last Chance New Year, leave a comment and tell me What's Next for you in 2020.

Be sure and include your email addy written out, not as a hot link, so I can contact you if you are a winner.

This Giveaway is open for comments until Jan. 4 at 10pm CST. Winners' names selected by random draw and notified no later than Monday, Jan. 6 at 10pm CST. 

What's Next for Romance Gems?

Our January Promotion is named What's Next and has Amazon Gift Cards for prizes. What's Next kicks off at 12:01 a.m. on January 4th and ends at 11:59 p.m. on January 31st.

You'll find details about What's Next on our Monthly Giveaway page, and Nancy Fraser will publish all the details in her Jan. 5 post.

Be sure and visit on Jan. 6 when Kathryn Hills will present a special What's Next group post.


As I tell my Newsletter Subscribers at the end of each issue:
Be bold. Be brave. Be beautiful—on the inside where it really counts!
Happy New Year.


  1. Happy New Year, Joan. I hope you have a calmer one in 2020, and great joy.

    1. Thanks, Liz. I would certainly appreciate an easier year. Wishing you the same.

  2. I’m looking forward to a brighter, happier new year. I hope 2020 brings only the best to us all.

  3. Great way to start the new year. Here's hoping the Gems and all our followers/readers enjoy a blessed 2020.

    1. Yes, I'm hoping for the same. Happy New Year, Nancy.

  4. Happy New Year, Joan! Wishing you and everyone here a happy, healthy, joyful 2020!

  5. happy New Year, Joan. This new decade seems to be churning with promise.

  6. Happy New Year, Joan. May all your dreams come true.

  7. Happy New Year to all of you girls! I wish you lots of sales and new readers!!!

    Oh my, what's next for me? I hope I can lose some weight - I've been working like crazy for the last months... and all the stress has been taking its toll on me.
    I hope I can manage my time better. I need to work smarter, not harder!

    1. I echo those needs, Iris. Good luck in making positive changes.

  8. Happy New Year! I refuse to make "resolutions" because who keeps them? But I'm certainly hoping for a wonderful year for all of us.

    1. I don't make resolutions. I make goals. Semantics, right? *g* Happy New Year, Hannah.

  9. Unfortunately, no one left an email address with her comment so I'm sad to say no one wins my Giveaway. Maybe next time!


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